To be filled out by complainant (or by person assisting him/her). If you need help please contact us here.
Contact Numbers
[The Explanatory Notes in the square brackets are meant for general guidance only. Please contact us by telephone or in writing by letter or e-mail if you want any assistance or clarification.]
Where you have been treated differently and/or unfavourably because of one or more of the following reasons (i.e. your status):
Please indicate when did this happen? (day/month/year)
Please describe what happened?
Please provide details of the events that you want to complaint about, including things like:
Have you tried to resolve your complaint directly with the Respondent(s)? (For example: through a report or through an internal grievance/ complaint process)
Have you made a complaint about this to another Agency or Entity?
Supporting evidence
Please attach copies of any documents that may help us investigate your complaint (for example, letters, pay-slips, doctor’s certificates or references). If you cannot do this, please tell us about the documents or other evidence and how this evidence can be obtained.
How has this affected you?
Please tell us how what you are complaining about has affected you?
What outcome are you seeking?
Have you ever made a complaint or taken action against the Respondent(s), prior to this with respect to any other matter or issue?
If so, please provide details of the date of the complaint(s), the details of the matter/issue and the outcome of same.
Have you ever filed a complaint with the Equal Opportunity Commission before?
If so, please provide details of the date of the complaint(s), the Respondent(s), and the outcome of same.
How did you find out about the Equal Opportunity Commission?
Please tick as appropriate:
Could you indicate whether it was a: